Tuesday, November 24
7:00 P.M.
Hosts: Bill & Andy
Location: 2001 Royalwood Dr., Arlington, 76006 (map)
Call for directions: 817-718-2424
Rick R. Reed
The Internet is the new meat market for gay men. Now a killer is turning the meat market into a meat wagon."IM by Rick Reed is a fast-paced page turner that I could barely put down. The title is the abbreviation for "Instant Messaging" but in this case, the instant messaging results in instant murder. While it is a mystery concerning a series of crimes against gay men, and featuring a gay detective and a questionably gay killer, the plot twists, character development, and suspense make it a story any fan of mystery or crime fiction will enjoy." -- Tyler R. Tichelaar, readerviews.comOne by one, he's killing them. Lurking in the digital underworld of Men4HookUpNow.com, he lures, seduces, charms, reaching out through instant messages to the unwary. He's just another guy.
They invite him over. He's just another trick. Harmless. They're dead wrong.
When the first bloody body surfaces, openly gay Chicago Police Department detective Ed Comparetto is called in to investigate. Sickened by the butchered mess of one of his brothers left on display in a bathtub, he seeks relief outside where the young man who discovered the body waits to tell him the story of how he found his friend. But who is this witness... and did he play a bigger part in the murder than he's letting on?
For Comparetto, this encounter with a witness is the beginning of a nightmare. Because this witness did more than just show up at the scene of the crime; he set the scene. And maybe, he's more than just a killer... maybe he's dead himself.
Comparetto is on a journey to discover the truth, a truth that he needs to discover before he loses his career, his boyfriend, his sanity... his life. Because in this killer's world, IM doesn't stand for instant message... it stands for instant murder.
"Ripe with suspense and an escalating momentum that doesn't let up..." -- Vince Liaguno, author of The Literary Six
"IM is one intense and super wild thrilling ride... A definite and astounding 5 stars!" -- Terry South, Quality Book Reviews
1. Get the book from the library, book store, or online.
2. Read it. (Sorry, getting the book isn't enough!)
3. Sign-in on the comments for this blog entry so we know how much dessert to get.
4. Come share dessert, as well as your thoughts and insights on the book.
5. All are welcome!
See you there!